Scientology Volunteer Ministers of Tampa Bay at the Manatee County Fair

A Scientology Volunteer Minister helps a visitor address a personal problem at the Volunteer Ministers tent at the Manatee County Fair.

Using the principles of Scientology, Volunteer Ministers offered interested participants guidance and support

This year, thousands who came to the Manatee County Fair for the food and the fun came home with something more—practical solutions to brighten their days year-round, thanks to the Tampa Bay Scientology Volunteer Ministers.

The fair was an unqualified success with more than 50 rides in the midway, a petting zoo and pig races, Cajun catfish, Texas barbecue and fried pastries—and a bright yellow Volunteer Ministers tent.

The Tampa Bay Scientology Volunteer Ministers are first responders who earned the Governor’s Points of Light Award in 2004 for the relief they provided in that year’s record hurricane season. But they don’t simply wait for disaster to strike—they set up their tent throughout the region to help Floridians prevail over all life’s disasters, great and small.

They are trained in Scientology principles anyone can use to salvage marriages, resolve conflicts, raise happy children, reduce stress, and overcome study difficulties—19 subjects in all, aimed at assisting people to do better in life.

“There is nothing more rewarding than watching a person brighten up before your eyes,” says one of the volunteers. “When he sits up, smiles, and says ‘I feel so much better,’ believe me, you do too.”

In creating the Volunteer Minister movement, Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard wrote: “A Volunteer Minister is a person who helps his fellow man on a volunteer basis by restoring purpose, truth and spiritual values to the lives of others…. He uses the technology of Scientology to change conditions for the better—for himself, his family, his groups, friends, associates and for Mankind.”

To learn more about the Scientology Volunteer Ministers or enroll on a free online Volunteer Minister course, visit