“Is There a Way to Resolve Conflicts?” Ask Uganda Villagers

Scientology Volunteer Ministers conduct seminar in Central Uganda village of Wobulenzi

A seminar in the technology of study developed by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard: Scientology Volunteer Ministers of Uganda have conducted seminars at schools throughout the country.

The Volunteer Ministers of Uganda have conducted hundreds of seminars for many thousands of people in schools, churches and villages throughout Uganda and neighboring countries.

Scientology Volunteer Ministers conducted an onsite seminar in the central Uganda village of Wobulenzi.

Some 35 miles (57 kilometers) north of Kampala in the Luwero District of Central Uganda, villagers of the town of Wobulenzi learned an important lesson at a Scientology Volunteer Ministers seminar on conflict resolution.

The town council chairman and local teachers were among the 900 villagers who attended the program conducted by a team of Kampala-based Scientology Volunteer Ministers.

How to Resolve Conflicts was the subject of the program and the technology covered was developed by author, humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard. This is one of the 19 subjects of the Scientology Handbook available as free online courses through the Scientology website and the Volunteer Ministers online training page.

In fact, the leader of the group, Pehaiah Paul M. Teba, learned about the program in 2007 when he found the Volunteer Ministers website while searching online for solutions to the many problems faced by the people of his country. Since then, he has conducted hundreds of seminars to many thousands of people in schools, churches and villages throughout Uganda and neighboring countries.

Some 37 percent of the population of Uganda subsists on less than a $1.25 U.S. a day, and years of civil war have decimated entire sections of the country.

Skill in resolving conflicts had relevance to many aspects of the lives of the Wobulenzi villagers—from resolving farming and herding disputes to patching up friendships and marriages threatened by seemingly irresolvable differences.

“I have learnt how communication can solve a number of problems,” said one of the participants. “I have learnt to be honest and faithful, and how to resolve conflicts,” said another. “This is going to help us solve conflicts in our communities,” was the reaction of yet another who attended the seminar.

Any group wishing to learn this technology may request to have a free onsite seminar by a Scientology Volunteer Minister.

The Volunteer Ministers program was expressly intended for use by Scientologists and non-Scientologists alike. Anyone of any culture or creed may train as a Volunteer Minister and use these tools to help their families and communities. And all are welcome to do so.

Equipped with effective technology to resolve virtually any difficulty, Volunteer Ministers live by the motto: “No matter the problem, something can be done about it.”

Transcending all ethnic, cultural and religious boundaries, the Volunteer Minister program is there for anyone in need of help. Volunteer Minister training is available free of charge through the Scientology Volunteer Ministers website to anyone who wishes to help others.