Which area of your life would you like help with the most?

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Stress Anxiety
on the Job
Integrity, Honesty and Ethics
Handling Conflicts
Marriage and Family
Understanding Life
Relationships with Others
Problems Studying and Learning
Illnesses and Injuries
Problems with Drugs
Your Public Image
Find out:
  • How the accumulated effects of taking drugs can leave a person impaired, even long after they’ve stopped taking them.
  • The harmful effects drugs have on both the mind and the individual himself.
  • Effective tools you can use to help someone withdraw safely from drugs

Do a Free Course Online

Find out how to help yourself or those you love.

Scientology offers practical solutions to help you improve conditions in your life and the lives of those around you.

All the practical techniques used by Volunteer Ministers are drawn from the chapters of The Scientology Handbook. Combined, these chapters provide all the tools you need to confront and resolve virtually any life situation―from ending marital strife to recovering a friend from drugs to managing a company for optimum success.

In order to make these chapters and the technology they contain as available as possible, courses covering each individual chapter are now available in a free, easy-to-use online format, supervised by trained professionals.

The online course and the materials you need are our gifts to you, which you can start using today. We sincerely hope you enjoy your course.

Choose a course from the listing below.

Something CAN be done about it.

The Scientology Handbook: Tools for Life film

An introduction to basic Scientology principles from The Scientology Handbook—tools to overcome any problem and achieve a more fulfilling and happier life.

  • This film brings to life each of the 19 chapters of The Scientology Handbook.
  • Solutions to the most common difficulties and the most challenging situations are presented in this film.
  • Each principle is illustrated with examples drawn from life, increasing understanding and application.