Dublin Finds Solutions with the Volunteer Ministers
The Scientology Volunteer Ministers’ tent is a dependable feature of Dublin, providing solutions to locals for all of life’s problems.

When the Church of Scientology and Community Centre Dublin wanted to put on a Family Fun Day for the surrounding community, they not only wanted to make that day special, but to make every day special by giving those families tools to take home with them.
The Volunteer Ministers therefore set up their iconic yellow tent outside the Community Centre for the Fun Day, which also featured pony rides, Wooly Ward’s Farm Petting Zoo, arts and crafts, face painting and more.
With 640 attendees that day, many different people with different needs visited the tent. One mother, with a young child in arms, left with the Children booklet, which is full of practical wisdom, including an essay on “How to Live with Children” and tools to handle a child’s upsets and mishaps.
The booklet opens with, “How to raise a happy, healthy child is not something most parents are taught. In fact, many just stumble through the entire process, albeit with the best intentions. Consequently, it is all too common to find an unhappy state of affairs in families, with constant friction between parents and children.”
A young boy had seen his mother receive a Scientology assist, so he wanted one, too. He had been having muscle pain in his legs, but after the assist, with the pain gone, he was able to run.
Another woman, also with physical pain, received an assist and similarly the pain was gone. With a big smile on her face, she asked, “My God, what did you do to me?” She took the Assists for Illnesses and Injuries booklet, to not only find out exactly what the VMs did to help her, but to learn how she could do it to help others. As the booklet explains, “The fact is, after any necessary medical treatment, the individual himself has an enormous capacity to influence the body and its well-being or lack of it.”
Other booklets that were popular with attendees included Tools for the Workplace, Communication, Answers to Drugs and The Technology of Study. The Marriage booklet provided practical tools for families attending. It opens with the statement, “When someone begins on that arrangement called marriage, he is getting into something which is, to say the least, adventurous. When a couple gets married, they are doing something they know nothing about.” But once one studies the booklets, they will have gained insight into making their marriage a happy adventure.
They not only wanted to make that day special, but to make every day special by giving those families tools to take home with them.
The Dublin Volunteer Minister tents are now set up on a weekly basis, including at the Fairyhouse Racecourse. The tents have been so popular that people who had been given Scientology tools and assists return the next time, wherever the tent may be, to report on how they are doing and how they are applying the technology to better their lives.
A lady who had received an assist at the Fairyhouse Racecourse came back two weeks later to share that earlier she had been on painkillers, but the assists were so effective that she now no longer needed them. This proved to be a common result, as with another gentleman who had also been on painkillers for knee pain and returned to share the same story of no longer needing them due to the relief he experienced from Scientology assists. One person at Family Fun Day summed it up: “You are giving people hope and making a change.”

Volunteer Ministers are on call across the globe and around the clock to respond to any and every disaster. Your contribution will fund volunteer travel as well as food, water, tents and medical supplies for disaster victims.