Extending a Skilled and Helping Hand and Training More In Times of Need

On 26 February 2018, a magnitude 7.5 earthquake hit Papua New Guinea (PNG), taking at least 67 lives and bringing in its wake some 194 aftershocks. More than half a million were affected, mainly near the epicenter of the quake. Augustine Brian, the Director of Papua New Guinea Youth for Human Rights—also a Church of Scientology-sponsored program—reached for help. Soon after, the Volunteer Minister disaster response team arrived in PNG, ready to go to work.
First they trained Brian in the VM technology, making him the first PNG VM for his region. Next they met with the Provincial Police Commander and Defense Force Liaison. Then VMs fired into immediate action, doing damage assessments and delivering seminars to locals.
The seminars covered what to do before, during and after an earthquake, and included the Solutions for a Dangerous Environment VM course, which teaches how to use assists and other tools to get people back on their feet. To fulfill the increasing demand for the seminar, a flier was compiled of these points in both English and Pidgin, the language spoken by village chiefs to communicate amongst tribes in the most linguistically diverse place on Earth.
Language was not the only challenge, however. Travel to remote villages in hidden mountain valleys was difficult, at best, leaving many without aid. But VMs will stop at nothing to help, and so, be it by 4X4 Land Cruiser, helicopter or on foot with machete in hand to slash through the jungle, they trekked from village to village, ultimately helping victims at 17 care centers. The VMs soon became the go-to people for local officials and command centers. In each location where they were sent, they trained leaders who could then deliver to their people, helping more than 19,000.
PNG citizens, who finally felt safe again and armed with tools for future calamities, began to return to their daily lives. After the seminar, a man shared that now he knew exactly what to do and planned to gather his family and friends together and train them in the tools he had learned. The Chief Superintendent of the Southern Highland Provincial Police said of the VMs’ help, “As you always proclaim, no matter the problem and the circumstance, ‘Something can be done about it.’ We now have the technology to do something effective about problems in our communities and our country. A big thank you and heartfelt appreciation to your Founder L. Ron Hubbard.”

Learn the Tools for Life
There are 19 Scientology Volunteer Ministers Tools for Life courses that can provide you with the skills to help yourself and others. These courses cover such topics as Answers to Drugs, Assists for Illness and Injuries, Communication, Children, Integrity and Honesty, How to Resolve Conflicts, Fundamentals of Public Relations and more.
Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard wrote, “The biggest right there is in human rights is the right to help!”
Therefore to help you help, these courses are provided online completely free. Just go to www.volunteerministers.org and click on Free Online Training, choose the area of interest and start.
Once you have gained the knowledge and skills these courses provide, use them in your own life and then begin helping others so they too can benefit.
Let us know your successes in your work and contact us for any guidance you need.

Volunteer Ministers are on call across the globe and around the clock to respond to any and every disaster. Your contribution will fund volunteer travel as well as food, water, tents and medical supplies for disaster victims.